Bit Burner

Create or edit scripts > nano | nano "hostname".js. note that CNTRL-C will end a command (like hack) early

Hacknet - buy nodes to add to hacknet system, earn percentage return on all hacks using system (passive income). These are upgradeable.
City - shows all connections that can be traveled to from current location (ie, home)
Hacker Groups - The Black Hand | NiteSec | BitRunners
Criminal Organizations - The Syndicate | Slum Snakes

export async function main(ns) {
while(true) {
await ns.hack('n00dles');

export async function main(ns) {
// Defines the "target server", which is the server
// that we're going to hack. In this case, it's "n00dles"
const target = "n00dles";

// Defines how much money a server should have before we hack it
// In this case, it is set to 75% of the server's max money
const moneyThresh = ns.getServerMaxMoney(target) * 0.75;

// Defines the maximum security level the target server can
// have. If the target's security level is higher than this,
// we'll weaken it before doing anything else
const securityThresh = ns.getServerMinSecurityLevel(target) + 5;

// If we have the BruteSSH.exe program, use it to open the SSH Port
// on the target server
if (ns.fileExists("BruteSSH.exe", "home")) {

// Get root access to target server

// Infinite loop that continously hacks/grows/weakens the target server
while(true) {
if (ns.getServerSecurityLevel(target) > securityThresh) {
// If the server's security level is above our threshold, weaken it
await ns.weaken(target);
} else if (ns.getServerMoneyAvailable(target) < moneyThresh) {
// If the server's money is less than our threshold, grow it
await ns.grow(target);
} else {
// Otherwise, hack it
await ns.hack(target);

this code will run a continuous hack on the hostname indicated at the end.

invoke using RUN command (requires available RAM).

check details on each .js script with command "tail hostname.js"

read comments for code explanation

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Alt-S - Active Scripts


  • help
  • ls [list directory]
  • scan [show closest connections]
  • scan-analyze [param node amount: default 1]
  • connect hostname
  • analyze [server info]
  • run NUKE.exe
  • hack
  • weaken [-security]
  • grow [+money +security +hackspeed]
  • home
  • nano [name.js start new script]
  • free [check avail RAM]
  • kill name.js [from Terminal]