With regret, I have to say I played this game for about a week/week and a half and then uninstalled it. Its very slick, very stylish, seems to have an attempt at plot and characters (which is more than can be said for a lot of gatcha games) and the combat is actually fairly fun and interesting. I do like rock/paper/scissors setups and building a stable of fighters and its certainly a point in its favor that the ultimate animations for each character are so pretty to look at - particularly enamored of Dan Heng's strike but nothing wrong with Trailblazer's either.
The problem is that the gatcha part is overwhelmingly in your face and it's already pretty apparent after a four or five play sessions that you need to dedicate your life to this and also some decent part of your wallet. The real money cash grab is blatent and I have no interest in supporting predatory monetizations like this. I was hoping for a more tactical/combat oriented Love Nikki wannabe but was unsurprisingly disappointed.